Thursday, July 6, 2023

Some Really Good Swords & Wizardry News

For those who did not back Matt Finch's most recent edition of Swords & Wizardry on Kickstarter, he just announced, what is for me, really exciting news. It looks as if Mythmere Games will pass on using the ORC license and will instead produce its own based on the OGL but with some tweaks to shore up some of the weaknesses of the OGL.

Ever since the WotC OGL debacle earlier this year, Matt has been considering making his own license, but wanted to wait on the work being done on ORC. When I heard that, I was really excited, because while S&W may not be my go to ruleset to use at the table, it is my go to ruleset to write for. Personally, based on what I have seen of the ORC license, it is not something I would choose to use. So, if Matt does produce said license, a good number of the stuff I have written in the past and the stuff I will write in the future will have a home.

Given that Matt was one of the pioneers in the world of retro-clones (he also had a hand in OSRIC), I would suggest going over to Mythmere Games and giving him some support.

1 comment:

Anaxagoras said...

Hi, Father. I just discovered Swords and Wizardry Continual Light while I was looking for straightforward, simple, easy to learn fantasy systems so that I could introduce my kids to the world tabletop rpgs. I used to play D&D back in high school (actually the "Classic D&D" 1994 boxed set followed by AD&D second edition). But I didn't think that the AD&D 2 level of complexity would be doable for the attention span and interest level of my kids. And in my opinion, anything involving 3E and any subsequent editions is just a different game that I have to interest in.

Anyway, long story short, I eventually wandered onto the Swords and Shapeshifters pdf, which I like a lot, and found this site by following the URL of the blog printed at the front. Imagine my surprise finding out the author is an Orthodox priest! That was the coolest coincidence. I am an Orthodox subdeacon in the OCA Diocese of NY and NJ

Happy feastday of the Nativity of the Theotokos, Father. I look forward to more of the resources and articles you have here on the blog.

- Julio