Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Five Parsecs From Home: Campaign Turn 6

The last time we saw our crew, they had just finished one of two jobs available on the Hospital Planet of Bargol 3. Knowing that they had a job in hand, most of the crew spent their off time training and prepairing for the mission brief.

On a remote part of the planet, a Private Organization is conducting experiments using the local flora to see what kind of medicinal properties might be found. The outpost was in need of some supplies and our crew was tasked with the delivery.

The task was not so simple, however. Some of the local fauna, colloquially known as Razor Lizards, had become agressive towards humans. This would prove to be a bit of an understatement. On route, two members of the crew (Cinders and Lance) got cut off from the rest by a roaming pack. Fortunately, they did not have to engage, but it did mean that they would be unavailable during the combat to come.

Upon arrival at the destination point, the three remaining crew found themselves outnumbered 2 to 1 by a pack of Razor Lizards. Wither set up in a sniper position to cover Pint and Skins as they tried to deliver the goods to the drop point. While Withers was doing a good job providing cover, the other two kept missing their shots (I don't think Skins rolled over a '3' the entire game). As a consequence, the sheer number of Razor Lizards were too much for Withers to shoot down. 

Things got very sketchy when Skins found himself overwhelmed. The razor sharp claws of the pack leader found their way through his combat armor, but just as Skins was about to see a limb ripped off, Pint lived up to his Hulker ways and pummeled the creature enough that he eventually look a limb for himself. Seeing their pack leader dismembered, the rest of the pack lost their appetite and fled.

Ironically, the Campaign Event noted that recent events taught the crew an important lesson. I had to chuckle, because everyone knows: never split the party!

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