Today is the Feast of Prokopius the Great Martyr, for whom this blog was originally named and as I did my morning prayers early today I was reminded that I have left this particular area of my life fallow for quite some time. For that I apologize (especially to those who have encouraged me or tried to get a hold of me and fell victim to my shortcomings despite my best intentions).
The reality is that I haven’t been playing or much thinking about playing for the past year. Medical issues have plagued my family. I had to go through some physical therapy (nothing serious) but my daughter is currently in a hospital two hours from home and will be there for the foreseeable future. Thus, when my schedule is dictated by driving to and from the hospital to be at my daughter’s bedside all the while supporting the rest of my family, playing any kind of RPG let alone maintaining a blog about it really doesn’t even show up on life’s radar.
I pray one day I will have the time and freedom to return to this part of my life, and will be especially interested in how the landscape has changed in the meantime.
39 minutes ago
Very sorry for your troubles. Best wishes with all. Long time reader, I have wondered, and so was glad you posted this! Good luck
Glad to hear from you again, Fr. Dave, and my sympathies for your troubles. Take care of what's important; your loyal audience will be here when you're ready to return. :)
I have missed your blog but family must always take precedence. You and your family are in my prayers.
You and yours are in my prayers. We will practice the virtue of patience. :-)
I only discovered your rich and wonderful blog a few months ago, after an absence from RPGs for nearly 25 years. It has been an inspirational read and was sorry to find you had apparently stopped blogging. I'm glad to see you return but very sorry to hear the reasons for your absence.
I'd like to echo the thoughts of the posters above, and my thoughts and prayers for you, your family, and for more peaceful times to come.
May the Lord have mercy on you and your family. God grant her fullness of health and many years. We'll be here when you get back to continue the conversation.
Prayers for you and yours. Come back and play when you have time.
I wish you a happy feast, too.
I'm sorry to hear of your troubles. Best wishes to your daughter.
Yes, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Your voice is missed, but you have your priorities straight in this regard.
Blessings on your house FrDave. I hope and pray that things improve. Your audience will certainly be waiting.
You've been missed, FrDave. Thanks for the update. I pray the Lord will bless you and your family with comfort and healing, speedily.
My sympathies. Holmes and Cook will be here, awaiting your return.
Take care, and I pray things will get better.
I was actually thinking of you and your blog just the other day. It felt like I missed your blog posts.
I hope all turns out for the best for you and your family. It does sound like you have had your share of life's rockier paths. God's will be done, but we all pray for his mercies.
Hopefully you can get a minute or two to browse one of your game books and dream for a second. Whatever happens, the games and the conversations remain.
Hang in there, Dave.
You are missed, but family comes first. You are in our prayers.
You are missed, and you are in our prayers.
Sorry to hear it... will keep you and yours in our prayers.
You and your family are in my prayers FrDave.
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