Today is the Feast of Prokopius the Great Martyr, for whom this blog was originally named and as I did my morning prayers early today I was reminded that I have left this particular area of my life fallow for quite some time. For that I apologize (especially to those who have encouraged me or tried to get a hold of me and fell victim to my shortcomings despite my best intentions).
The reality is that I haven’t been playing or much thinking about playing for the past year. Medical issues have plagued my family. I had to go through some physical therapy (nothing serious) but my daughter is currently in a hospital two hours from home and will be there for the foreseeable future. Thus, when my schedule is dictated by driving to and from the hospital to be at my daughter’s bedside all the while supporting the rest of my family, playing any kind of RPG let alone maintaining a blog about it really doesn’t even show up on life’s radar.
I pray one day I will have the time and freedom to return to this part of my life, and will be especially interested in how the landscape has changed in the meantime.
12 hours ago